Friday, April 23, 2010

Dubstep and T-2 Weeks To Exams

As of late, I've started listening to a lot of Dubstep. It's really awesome stuff.

I really love the warbled basslines most of them have.

Dr. Philth has really earned a place in my heart. Well two really. One for awesome music, the other for the most awesome name EVER!! Now I finally have real motivation to mess around with that copy of Fruity Loops Studio I have lying around on my computer. With a bit of effort (and the grace of God) I can probably make something that sounds as filthy as these slime monsters (yeah, that was a lame one...bear with me, I'm new at this).

I finally got my exam timetable. I have my Caribbean Studies exam in two weeks (plus my SAT subject tests next week Saturday). Should be manageable. I don't intend to touch a Caribbean Studies book, much less look in its general direction. I also intend to get a distinction doing that too. Don't follow me. I'm what you call an idler, or to be more politically correct, a wasteman.

So while I'm here, making beats on the eve of probably the most important exams of my life, remember what your good friend Gavin Robinson told you. Don't be like him.

Later folks,

Thursday, April 1, 2010


The other day, I started playing this copy of Homeworld 1 that I ummm..."got". :)
It is an awesome game. A VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY most verily, I say unto thou, an awesome game.

I first heard of it almost a decade ago, when I was a lot younger, and my feet never used to be able to touch the ground when I was vegetating in a chair around my PC. I had gotten a copy of Half Life for Christmas, and was reading the instruction manual that came with it in the form of HTML pages. They advertised Team Fortress (something which had not crossed my mind in the ten years before this sentence), and Homeworld.

The other day, feeling like a pregnant woman, but with game cravings instead of food cravings, I tracked down a copy and started playing. The plot seems pretty interesting so far, and I love the mothership design, it is really cool.

I'm out of prison, at least until the 12th of April. Mock exams finished on Wednesday morning, and in the afternoon I went to a function for the honour roll students (no, I'm not on it, I just snuck in to get free food....fine, I am on it, so what?). The food tasted gre- umm, no, I mean, the food tasted free.

CAPE exams are coming up within a month and a half. But then, I realize I whine and grumble and moan and bitch about them every blog post, so I'll spare you this time.

I'm thinking about getting up to some idleness this Easter Holiday. Not rob a store and spend my life in jail idleness, but scientific idleness. (No dear schoolmates, not biological weapons either). I was thinking about building some circuits slightly more advanced than those we're required to do for Physics class, just for the fun of it. If I run into extra money that is, money is always my limiting factor.

I can't remember if I mentioned this in a blog post, but I think I'll do a simple webshow. Something 15 minutes to half an hour long. The premise of the show is simple, its just me commenting about world issues and giving my personal views and the historical background on them, as well as me talking about my personal life, and random things or cool webcomics I might stumble across on the internet.

By the way, you guys need to listen to some GOOD music. You know, like Benny Benassi. I can't believe that none of my friends know who he is...I'm like, in a state of SHOCK right now. I know that electronic music isn't for everyone (seizure warning), but damn, open your minds people!! Here, I'll save you some work, here are some of his songs:

Get off your lazy ass and go look for the rest yourself.

But, no ranting. I'm a nice guy. And ranting doesn't go well with my sexy, sexy face. Right ladies? :)

Anyway, I suppose thats all for now. In the meantime, entertain yourself with this cool Lego video.

Later guys (じゃまた)、

P.S. I finished the Physics syllabus, and the mock exam was great, with luck, I may have something in the high 80s or 90s.