But...as a medical student, I digress.
Yeah, that's right. Since I last updated my blog, a lot has happened. I am now officially a medical student enrolled at the University of the West Indies School of Medicine, attached to the Western Jamaica Campus.
The Good:
I'm in medical school.
The Bad:
I'm still stuck living at home.
Seriously, I was really counting on leaving home this year, but I'm stuck down here. Oh well, I'll just have to make the best of it. Nevermind the fact that there isn't a single good-looking honey (by my standards) on the campus.
I must admit however, that I'm quite fond of the way people's facial expressions change when they talk to someone and find out that the person is a medical student. Presented below is a common list of reactions I tend to get:
1) "They offered medicine down here?"
2) "Oh my God, that's so cool!"
3) "You're going to be a doctor?! But how?! You're an asshole!"
4) "Oh cool, have you cut up dead bodies yet?"
5) "Take my wet convulsing vagina NOW, Dr. Robinson! You know, for SCIENTIFIC purposes and all that..."
Medical what the F-?
The picture of me above was taken in the bus when we went to the main UWI campus for a special matriculation ceremony. Take note the epic luggage under my eyes in the picture. They're nothing compared to the size of the bags under my eyes at the moment. I pretty much like all of my classes, except for Introduction to Medical Practice, which is only slightly more interesting than watching paint dry, although I'll admit that 80% of my stress and tiredness comes from the reading I have to do before and after Histology class in order to be able to keep up.The rundown of the situation is that in five years, and after spending couple million dollars (in JMD) in tuition fees, I'll be legally qualified to put the letters "Dr." in front of my name. Hence, I would become Dr. Lord Gavin Robinson.
After graduating, I'm most likely going to specialize in neurosurgery, but I'll admit that medical research holds a certain sort of intrigue for me. I see no reason I can't do both. (And pimp on the side to make ends meet).
There's an interesting study out about fellatio (layman's term: blowjob) and a reduced incidence of breast cancer. Here's the link.
Wait, what you say? It's a practical joke? Maybe...for now it is. But when I get into medical research, I intend to prove this theory.
Peace out,
Dr. Lord Gavin Robinson.