Tuesday, February 2, 2010


(For those of you wondering where I got that title from, its a line from Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones. Its famous for high quality dialogue such as seen above, you guys should totally check it out. I'll write a post about it some other time..)

So, I haven't updated in a while. Maybe you all figured I was busy. Well I'm not. In fact, I wasn't doing a damn thing but spending time being too lazy to update this blog. I'm in the library right now, watching everyone read what I'm writing over my shoulder. I don't mind, if I never wanted anyone to read what I was writing, I probably wouldn't be writing it on a blog, don't you agree?

School has gone into overdrive. Chemistry, chemistry, chemistry is a bitch. I had this murderous project over the Christmas holidays, and although I haven't touched it since the holidays finished, it would hardly qualify as finished. Ha.

As for Japanese, Tae Kim's grammar guide is a godsend. I'm currently in the advanced expressions section, learning about the causative and passive forms. I've finally passed the hell that was counters. In my opinion, its probably not as hard as everyone makes it out to be. Causative-passive is giving me more problems at the moment, because I can't figure out which particles to use. Meh. "Ageru" and "Kureru" were also pretty easy to learn. People complain about a lot of crap needlessly.

For those of you that haven't figure it out (morons...) I'm the writer of The Thousand Chapter Story...thats something I need to update as well. But then again, maybe on some other day. Maybe...

The Logos ship is in Montego Bay. For those of you who don't know what that is, its this ship that sells books so cheaply, its like they're giving it away. I need to go back and get more books. MORE, MORE, MORE, HARDER, HARDER, HAR- oh...wait, wrong context. I finally got Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, to add on to the Fellowship of the Ring, which I bought the last time I went on the ship, a couple years ago (the ship only comes once every few years). I'm quite upset that I couldn't find the third book, Return of the King...but I'm going back later this week, so wish me luck.

Oh yeah, I got this AWESOME digital camera for Christmas. :)Expect photos of my pornographic encounters with a variety of vixens very soon. In your dreams that is...everyone knows those are reserved for Facebook.

Lord Robinson.

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