Friday, January 16, 2009

Woohoo!!! Level 60!!!

No, I haven't actually wasted that many hours of my life on a certain RPG. Rather, this is my 60th post on Happy Desolation. As you can see, I decided to celebrate with a new blog layout(Shit, do I know how to party or what?). Anyway yeah, its back to school for me.

School is not treating me very well at the moment. Nor am I treating it very well. As such, I propose to hack the school's network.

Ok, fine...maybe thats a bit too extreme. Still doesn't make it any less fun though. lol. What I really want though, is for June to come. By June, this damn school should be just a distant memory in the haze of cigarette smoke, liquor, loose women and computer parts. Oh well.

CAPE Unit 1 (thats the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Exams) is coming up within like 2 months, so just like during CXC time, I won't be blogging as much. There might also be a surprise coming up for all you loyal readers.

Write to you guys later!!


  1. LOL that's funny, i never treat school nicely either. My friend and I plan to burn down her school with some kerosene n matches (>.<;)....that would be a nice birthday present for her i think, since the schools already gone to hell it might as well go up in flames ne?
    cigarette, smoke, liquor & loose women??? LOL that's funny LOL u must be in a dif. part of ComC than where i was at...except...the loose women were there too >.>

  2. Kerosene and matches? Come on...have ambition. I was thinking a flamethrower and napalm...which can be provided by yours truly, for a
