Saturday, February 21, 2009

Something Not Related To School At All

Have you ever noticed that while computer graphics are getting better, the illusion of realism is spoiled every time the scene starts to move? That question was aimed at gamers really.

Today, I was googling up on some DirectX info. I saw some pretty photorealistic shots, but realized that in the videos, as soon as there was motion of any kind, the realism disappeared.

DirectX9, despite its age, is still pretty damn capable. DirectX 11 also seems to be shaping up pretty well.

If you've noticed, I haven't used the word OpenGL yet. I still can't get over what the Khronos group did. Maybe 3 years down the line, they'll come up with something cool, and I'll look at openGL again. I'm considering installing Vista over XP on this PC, but I don't know. Maybe I'll just wait for Windows 7 (which by the way is coming soon.)


Maybe I said that before, maybe I didn't, but its the truth. It may not be uber-pretty, but its cool. The only thing is, I don't really have that much of a practical use for it, apart from having an OS that not many other people I know have. Dumb reason, right?

Yeah, I know.

I got an early build of the Linux source code (as in version 1.0). I don't plan to build my own distribution, but I was just curious as to how the code looked. Its yucky, but understandable. After a few books worth of assembly tutorials, that is.

Next thing to rant about, Alpha Centauri.

This game is about 10 years old by now. It doesn't matter, its still deeper than most strategy games out nowadays. It has that Civilization feel (its made by Firaxis, the same studio that does Civilization) but with a sci-fi twist. What I love are the quotes, I always feel smarter for listening to them. lol.

I don't particularly think they should try to make a sequel, they might ruin it. Lets hope that Alpha Centauri always stays cool.

Peace to the People,


  1. im looking for your tutorial on drawing 2d images in irrlicht rofl

  2. Sorry man, I can't find them. I lost them in a hard drive crash a while back. I'll see if I can rewrite them over the summer.
