Thursday, December 13, 2007

Blender, Physics Engines, Holidays and Quake 4

Today, after playing Quake 4, I went on MSN messenger to talk to some friends of mine. Out of the blue, one of them suggested I should make a quake 4 mod. Fine. I started messing around with the Quake4 editor, and to my surprise, it was amazingly easy and intuitive. Another plus was that the scripting language resembled C, so I was right at home. After messing around with it for a few hours, I got bored, and decided to move on. I wasn't in the mood to work on my game engine, but I felt like improving my artistic skills, so I started working on the Blender Noob to Pro lessons and then messed around with MakeHuman. As I write this, I'm working on the modeling a die part in the beginner section of the Blender lessons.
So whats the point of all this information? Well, between all 3 programs, they have one thing in common. All of them have cleverly designed user interfaces, which gives me a great idea of what proper GUIs look like. What I've learnt will be put to good use, in the map editor for my game engine.For example:
1) I will do my best to make the whole thing Linux compatible.
2) Everything will be rendered in openGL(thus, it will use GLUT).
3) It will use a grid like the Quake 4 editor, with measurements shown.

Nerd stuff aside, in other news, today I went to my prize giving ceremony. I came second and got a book and a bunch of certificates.(Whoopdedooo!! <_<) I came second in my class. I don't mind this, because the guy that beat me has only 50% of his teeth, so he doesn't count. It was only a 1% difference.

Anyway, jokes aside(well, maybe not), today marks the official start of my Christmas holidays.

Here's another funny picture:

Bye People!!

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